Hello my name is Braxton and this is my page all about me! I am 20 years old turning 21 in a week and I have many different interests and I am going to share some of them on this page.
One thing you have to know about me is I am a Pokemon nerd. I have always been around it for as long as I can remember, which is also how long I’ve been obsessed. There are tons of different Pokemon that I think are all cool or special in their own way and they are always adding more so it never gets boring. The main thing that I did regarding Pokemon was competing in tournaments, I like to think I was pretty good at the game for a 10 year old and I even won a few trophies in my age division. (Not my picture but I have the same trophies)

Another thing I am really obsessive about is music in every facet. I enjoy listening to music obviously but I also enjoy researching and finding up and coming artists as well as keeping up with the culture surrounding different types of music. Doing all this deep diving on music is really rewarding for me as you can learn things about artists you like and find more meaning or catch new lyrics when you know more about who the artist is as a person. My favorite album of all time is “Departure” by Nujabes and fat jon. The album was made for the anime “Samurai Champloo” which is a pretty cool show but the music is what stuck with me. It is very simple sampled beats but they are organized in a very pleasing and relaxing way. They are also impressive for the time as sampling technology was very rudimentary and not as easy to manipulate as it is now with things like FL Studio or Pro Tools which didn’t exist at the time.